14 October, 2014

Culture - Believe your own slogans. Chapter 1 "How Google works"

Culture needs to be in place early. It stems from the founders but is best reflected in the trusted team the founders form to launch their venture.  It is not only about making people do great things but also about attracting people that can do great things.  Attraction, selection and attrition is part of culture.
Google has a “no blame” culture meaning a yellow post-it sticker with “These ads suck” from the founder is taken as a challenge not blame. The challenge can be taken by anybody.  The sticker also points out those results were not in line with the mission of “organising the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. It is not culture if it is designed to look good on a wall. It is important that it reflects what you do – that you believe your own slogans.
The IPO letter was contested by Wall Street for including words like “Long term focus”, “serving end users”,” don’t be evil” and “making the world a better place”. Despite warnings the document was not changed.
Google offices are designed like a dorm to invite to university style work ethics and creativity. Plenty of perks but crowed with no individual offices.  Closeness and lack of title is important. A petri-dish for creativity.
Google fight against the culture of the Highest Paid Persons Opinion (Hippo) matters the most.
Google encourage a culture of Meritocracy – where the quality of the idea matters more than who it came from. They are inspired by the McKinsey & Company’s culture where employees are obliged to dissent if it is in the best interest of the company or customer.
Equal opportunities employee although groups often proudly display their associations (Like Gayglers – LGBT in Google). “It doesn't matter who you are, just what you do.”
The organisational structure is aimed to be flat, informal and without perks. Dis-Org has been tried but did not work. Now organisation is built around rule of 7 meaning leaders have a minimum of 7 reports. The high number of reports makes it impossible to micromanage and direct. Organisations or reorganisations are not seen as solution to problems, more a fight of interests. If they indeed has to happen they will be implement fast, preferably a day – even if the details have not been worked out.  Google want to organise around people with performance and passion, not people with functions and title.
The company try and use the Bezos (Amazon) two pizza rule – keep teams small enough that you can feed them with two pizzas. Team effectiveness drops with number of members.
Don’t believe in work life balance but individual’s responsibility for both work and home life. Don’t believe in people being indispensable and workload should be shared. Focus is on making sure that both work and family life contributes positively. There is a culture of fun and a belief in saying yes as the default.
The culture is egalitarian and leadership is be example embodied in “Israeli Tank Commanders” that don’t lead with “Charge” but with “Follow me”.
The Google dress code:  You must wear something

Don’t be evil is not just a corporate policy, it is seen as an empowerment of employees, a way of letting them check their moral compass.

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